Magnet Application
- To apply for a Magnet program, parents must use the official Magnet Application available online via the Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) Parent Portal. Each student can submit only one application. Duplicates and revisions will not be accepted.
- All applications will be processed by the Office of School Choice & Parental Options.
- Students may apply to a maximum of five (5) schools, with one (1) PROGRAM choice per school.
- Additional documentation may be required by individual schools. Parents should contact the schools directly for information on any additional requirements. All required documentation must be uploaded to the online application by the deadline of January 15.
- Admission priority is given to applicants who have siblings currently attending the same Magnet school and will continue to attend in the upcoming school year (for at least one concurrent year). Acceptance depends on the availability of open seats in the student’s grade level. However, this priority does not apply to audition-based and language-testing Magnet programs. To be considered for Sibling Status, the following conditions must be met:
- Provide the correct M-DCPS Student Identification Number for both the applicant and the applicant’s sibling(s),
- Meet all entrance requirements,
- The sibling must reside in the same household as the student who is applying, or documentation of joint custody must be provided.
- For multiple births (e.g., twins, triplets, quadruplets), each student must submit an individual application. Entrance requirements are reviewed for each student separately. To receive the priority, students must apply under the same registering parent within the parent’s account. However, the multiple birth priority does not apply to audition or testing-based Magnet programs.
- All notifications from schools will be sent to the email address provided in the application. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure that the email address and all contact information are up to date in the M-DCPS system.
- For questions, contact School Choice & Parental Options at 305-995-1922 or visit
By submitting an application, I acknowledge the following conditions for this application:
- Only the registering parent should submit the application.
- Failure to complete all requested information may result in rejection of the application.
- Additional information may be required by individual schools and must be submitted to those schools by the application deadline, January 15, as part of the application process.
- Eligibility may be determined by such factors as skill, talent, academic performance, conduct, and interest.
- When the number of eligible student applicants (excluding Visual & Performing Arts (VPA) and International Language programs) exceeds the available seats, a random selection process will be used to admit eligible applicants.
- Any required testing or auditions must be scheduled by January 15 and completed by March 1.
- Any in-person, pre-recorded video, or third-party video conferencing VPA auditions or language proficiency testing are subject to the terms and procedures set forth by the auditioning or testing school.
- Applications received from October 1 through January 15 will be considered for enrollment in the upcoming school year.
- Applications DO NOT guarantee placement.
- Failure to respond to an offer of acceptance by the specified deadline will be considered a decline of program acceptance.
I grant my consent to the School Board to share my email address with the third-party email service provider in order to receive notifications regarding Magnet Schools.
I give permission for my child to be evaluated for admission to the selected Magnet program(s) designated in this application. If accepted, he/she will be enrolled as a full-time student at the accepting school. Transportation services are limited and may not be available at all schools. Parents may need to make transportation arrangements for their child. Acceptable performance (as determined by school-site policy) in required to remain in the Magnet program.
By submitting this application, I confirm that all the information provided is true and accurate. Upon being accepted into a Magnet program, the student is required to meet all program eligibility and prerequisite requirements, as well as adhere to M-DCPS School Board policy 5112: Entrance Requirements, and State of Florida statutes.